Why Am I Not Losing Weight On Semaglutide?

Many people who have struggled to lose weight and need some form of medical intervention now have more options beyond surgery. One of the least invasive solutions that has become readily available today is prescription weight loss medication.

Many people are talking about semaglutide, which has been used for years to help individuals with type 2 diabetes manage blood sugar. Semaglutide is the active ingredient in Ozempic, and now, this same medication is FDA-approved for weight loss under the name Wegovy and is also available in a compounded form.

One question that we sometimes hear is, “Why is semaglutide not working for me?” or “Why am I not losing weight on semaglutide?” If you are experiencing unexpected results, hitting a plateau, and your weight loss has stalled, or you are wondering what to expect on your weight loss journey with semaglutide, we are going to provide you with some information that can help you understand what may be going on and how to get back on track.

How Does Semaglutide Work For Weight Loss?

Semaglutide promotes weight loss by acting like a natural hormone in your body called GLP-1 (glucagon-like peptide-1). This hormone is released in the digestive system when you eat and is responsible for regulating your appetite, streamlining your metabolism, and controlling your blood sugar. Semaglutide helps your metabolism work more efficiently and makes it easier for you to eat less because it:

Aids in Blood Sugar Control
It helps regulate your insulin levels and keeps your blood sugar levels balanced. This helps your body burn calories to use for energy and not store them as fat.
Helps Keep Your Appetite Under Control
Semaglutide helps to shut down the food noise in your brain so you are not being constantly plagued by food cravings and chronic hunger.
Prolongs Satiety
Your rate of digestion slows down and keeps food in your stomach for a longer time, which helps you feel full and satisfied so you do not want to eat as often.

Why Is Semaglutide Not Working For Me?

If you are on semaglutide and not losing weight, there can be a number of reasons, including:

1. You May Need A Different Medication

If you are on semaglutide and not losing weight, you may not understand that weight loss is very complex and there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Your body can respond very differently to semaglutide than someone else’s. You may also have issues going on under the surface that you are unaware of, like a hormone imbalance or a thyroid condition. It is always advisable to work closely with a qualified weight loss doctor who can monitor your progress and make any necessary adjustments. It is possible that you need to use a different medication, such as tirzepatide, that works a bit differently because it mimics not only the GLP-1 hormone but GIP as well.

2. You Need To Be Patient

When you first begin taking semaglutide, you may expect to rapidly begin losing weight but that is not how this medication is designed to work. In some cases it may work rapidly for some people when they first begin taking it, but for the majority of individuals, the average weekly weight loss on semaglutide is between 1 and 3 pounds.

If you are seeing claims of huge weight loss results shared on social media and your scale appears to be stuck at the same number despite all your efforts, do not let yourself get discouraged.

Everyone’s metabolism reacts differently to the medication and it will take time for your body to become adjusted to the medication. It may seem like nothing is happening, but under the surface the medication may be working to get your hormones balanced and making gradual changes to optimize your metabolism. Another thing to consider is that in the early stages, many people become constipated or bloated, and even though they may be losing fat, it is just not showing up on the scale yet.

3. Your Dose May Not Have Reached The Effective Level

Semaglutide, like all other GLP-1 medications, is dosed on a gradual schedule to help mitigate the severity of common side effects like nausea and vomiting while your body is getting used to the medication.

Everyone’s body has its own “trigger level,” meaning there is enough medication at the right dose in your body to trigger weight loss. The number of days or weeks it will take for your body to reach that trigger level is unknown to anyone until it happens. While it may seem like the semaglutide is not working, it may just be taking longer to reach the dose that your body needs to promote weight loss.

4. You May Not Be Consistent In Your Use Of The Medication

It is important to keep a consistent level of medication in your system, or it can affect your rate of weight loss. Your doctor can help you determine the schedule that works best for you, but it is important to administer your injections on the same day of the week and as close to the same time as possible to get the best results.

5. Interactions From Routine Medications

Some medications you take regularly might make it harder for you to lose weight or even lead to weight gain while on semaglutide. During your consultation with your doctor, be sure to mention any prescriptions or herbal supplements you are taking so they can ensure you use the right medication that works best for your circumstances.

6. You Have Not Made Necessary Lifestyle Changes

Semaglutide is meant to be used as a tool to help your body create a calorie deficit so you can lose weight. Unfortunately, it cannot work magic, and you will have to make changes in your diet and lifestyle that will work with the medication to promote weight loss.

If you think you can lose weight on semaglutide without changing your diet, then you will be struggling to reach and maintain a healthy weight. You may be able to shed some initial weight, but after a while you will reach a plateau and your semaglutide will no longer be working as it did for you before. Eating a healthy, low-calorie diet and getting enough physical activity are the foundations of weight loss and will make a significant difference in your results when losing weight with semaglutide.

7. You Need To Make Other Lifestyle Adjustments

You may not realize that unmanaged stress can make it harder for you to lose weight and may even lead to weight gain. When your stress levels are high, your body produces more cortisol, which is a hormone that signals the body to store fat as part of the fight-or-flight response. Finding healthy ways to manage stress, like exercise, meditation, or hobbies, can help lower cortisol levels.

Also, the amount of sleep you get can affect how your body responds to your weight loss efforts. Not getting enough rest can throw off the balance of hormones like leptin and ghrelin, which control hunger and cravings. This can cause you to overeat and increase cravings for unhealthy foods, counteracting the effects of the semaglutide so it is not suppressing your appetite.

Keep These Things In Mind

Experts agree that losing weight at a steady pace is safer, more sustainable, and makes it easier to maintain a healthy weight in the long run. Slow weight loss also reduces the risk of side effects like hair loss or gallstones that can occur when you lose weight too fast.

Retaining your muscle mass is important while cutting calories and burning fat because muscle mass increases the rate at which your body burns calories. To avoid losing muscle, make sure you get enough protein and include resistance training in your physical activity goals. You might notice your body changing in size, even if the scale does not show a big drop in weight because muscle weighs more than fat.

If you are on semaglutide and not losing weight, make sure to reach out to your doctor and let them know so they can evaluate your progress, adjust your dose, or look at alternate treatment options to keep your weight loss on track.

Seems My Semaglutide Is No Longer Working

Hitting a weight loss plateau is normal, and most people experience it at some point during their weight loss journey. If you notice that your progress has stalled while using semaglutide, check in with your doctor and weight loss team for guidance on strategies that can get you moving forward again.

Plateaus happen most often because your body adjusts to the lower calorie intake, and it starts slowing down your metabolism. Hormonal changes can also make you feel hungrier or promote food cravings. It is important to stay consistent with your routine and keep up with your lifestyle changes, including exercise that helps you burn fat and build muscle.

What Are My Options When Semaglutide Doesn’t Work?

If you have been on semaglutide and you have not experienced the weight loss you expected and your doctor agrees that the medication is not working for you, there are a few options you can consider, including:

A Change In Medication

Your body may not be responsive to prescription semaglutide, and you may wish to switch your medication to tirzepatide and see if you get better results. Both medications mimic the GLP-1 hormone, but tirzepatide also mimics a second hormone called GIP which makes it a bit more effective. Your body may respond better to the additional hormone.

An Endoscopic Procedure

Your doctor may discuss a non-surgical weight loss procedure with you, such as a temporary gastric balloon or endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty, which makes your stomach significantly smaller without any incisions. The size of your stomach is reduced by placing stitches in strategic locations that are administered from the inside.

Sometimes, these non-surgical endoscopic weight loss procedures are used along with prescription weight loss medications to achieve the best results. In fact, a study that was conducted using semaglutide and ESG together yielded an average weight loss of almost 27% of the person’s starting weight in one year.

Where Can I Learn More About Semaglutide And Tirzepatide?

If you are interested in trying prescription semaglutide, have been using semaglutide but it is not working, or worse, and have started gaining weight on semaglutide, Dr. Angelina Postoev at MySlimMed can help.

Set up a consultation and learn about your options for prescription medication or other medical weight loss options. She and her team can customize a weight loss plan just for you that will be safe and effective. Getting started on your weight loss journey with MySlimMed is as easy and convenient with virtual consultations and medication that is delivered to your doorstep. Start working toward better health today!

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